Cyprus 152
Science Fiction
(1,182 words)
A scientist surverying a potential colonization planet gets her wish, with devestating consequences.

Short Story Fiction
A collection of short stories that have yet to find homes or have been published.
The General Tree
Urban Fantasy (940 words)
The army is not prepared for the coming swarm.
Twenty Buck Chuck
Urban Fantasy (100 words)
Chuck hates his job.
Fire Drill in Motherhood
Urban Fantasy (2135 words)
Published in the Virginia Writers Club's Centennial Anthology. A woman tackles the challenges and unexpected heartbreaks of giving birth to a dragon. Proceeds go towards the Virginia Writers Club's scholarship fund!
The Usual
Urban Fantasy
Published in the Northern Virginia Writers Club's 15 Year Anthology. A barista investigates some unusual behavior by one of her usual customers.
Life in All It's Gory Glory
Published in the Northern Virginia Writers Club's 15 Year Anthology. A frank retelling of the chaotic pregnancy and birth of my second child.
First place for fiction in the 2023 Golden Nib contest. Published in the Virginia Writers Club 2023 Golden Nib Journal. A woman's desire to lose weight leads her to an extreme solution.
By which I mean some of my favorite blog posts from my now defunct blog of my old website. In chronological order.